Me and a few friends. I promise you I’m not Shopped into this image. [Photo courtesy of]Bloody Hell. What a weekend. I’m not entirely sure I’m capable of putting it all into words, but I’ll certainly have a go. (more…)
I’ll be in Nashville, TN from Friday to Sunday attending the Geek Media Expo. Here’s my complete schedule:
Portal Party 2.0 Friday, October 26th ▪ 8:00pm – 9:30pm, Palomino + Quarter Horse + Mustang rooms Last year, we both said a lot of things that you’re going to regret. But I think we can put our differences behind us. For science. You monster. Why don’t you just keep testing with GLaDOS? Ellen McLain, voice of GLaDOS from the Portal series returns to berate Portal players just trying to survive, and maybe cake? Better gaming, better decorations, better batteries, and an awesome hangout for Portal enthusiasts.
Web Comics 101 Saturday, October 27th ▪ 7:00pm – 8:00pm, Arabian Room Learn the ins and outs of the webcomic business with a Q&A from the industry pros. Featuring Ben Paddon, Scott Sava, Brian Patterson and Ethan Nicolle.
PortsCenter – A One-Hour Look at Video Game Ports Sunday, October 28th ▪ 12:00pm – 1:00pm, Franklin Room British writer and geek humorist Ben Paddon talks about unique video game ports; games that have been converted for different systems. A blend of stand-up comedy and PowerPoint presentation.
One Brit, Many Doctors Sunday, October 28th ▪ 1:00pm – 2:00pm, Quarter Horse Room Doctor Who discussion with British expatriate and geek humorist Ben Paddon. What qualifies Ben to speak with authority on this topic? He has the right accent.
Please note that this schedule is entirely subject to change based on factors such as GMX shifting things around, or me dying. See you in Nashville!
GMX have released their event schedule, and the date and time of the PortsCenter Presentation has now been set in… well, not stone. Spreadsheet. Set in spreadsheet? Is that a thing?
But anyway. it’s taking place on Sunday at 12pm in the Franklin Room. If you’re going to be at GMX, you’ll want to be there. Oh, and here’s the rest of the schedule in case you’re interested.
Heading to the Geek Media Expo this October? So am I!
This year the fourth GMX takes place in Nashville, Tennessee. There are a number of cool guests with a ton of geek cred, including voice actors like Rob Paulsen and Billy West, actors such as Star Trek: Voyager‘s Garrett Wang and Marilyn Ghigliotti of Clerks fame, and internet personalities such as “That Guy With the Glasses” Doug Walker.
Not only will I be at GMX this year, but I’ll also be hosting a one-hour presentation on videogame ports, looking at a few specific titles as well as going into a bit of the history of how, and why, some ports are so radically different from others. It’ll be a sort-of kitbash of PortsCenter, a stand-up comedy show, and a PowerPoint presentation.
I’ll also, in theory, be participating in a couple of Doctor Who panels as well.
GMX haven’t announced their schedule yet, but keep an eye on their programming page for updates. I’ll also be updating this post with details once they’re available.