Category: PortsCenter

  • Upcoming Appearances

    So I’m appearing at enough conventions this year to merit a shiny new Upcoming Appearances widget on the sidebar. I know! I’m just as surprised as you are!

    At the moment I’ll be appearing at WonderCon in Anaheim, CA next month, San Diego Comic-Con in San Diego, CA this July, and the Geek Media Expo (or GMX) in Nashville, TN all the way out in October. I’d very much like to have a panel at this year’s PAX Prime in Seattle as well, but that’s in their hands, not mine.

    It’s looking increasingly likely that I’ll be on at least one or two panels at GMX, with one focusing on videogame ports (for obvious reasons). What will the other panel focus on? I don’t know! Well actually, yes, I do, but it depends on whether or not the fine folks at GMX actually want me involved in that one. Still, they suggested it, so if I don’t get onto the panel then I shall pout.

    This is my life now. It’s wonderful, and a little frightening.

  • The Net: Not just a movie starring Sandra Bullock

    With the .com domain sort of imploding I’ve had to move the site over to a .net domain instead, which has involved a fresh install of WordPress and a bit of tricky jiggery-pokery to get the old posts moved over here, but they’re all there. Go on, scroll down a bit and have a look. I won’t mind.

    Some of the old posts, like this look at Russell T Davies’ occasionally clunky writing, will have missing images. Not much I can do about that right now, but I’ll have a go at fixing it later in the week.

    But anyway, I’ve taken this opportunity to reinvent the site a little. I’ve given my Resume a bit of a polish, and I’ve added a page about the SoulGeek Singles Nights that I co-host with Dino (they’re great fun, by the way – if you’re ever in the area, feel free to pop by). I’m sure I’ll think of more stuff to add, but for now this seems like a good start.

    2012 is going to be a busy year for me. Between PortsCenter, the Jump Leads audioplays I’ve been putting off for far too long, and a handful of other projects, this is the year I try to break out of my rut and do my own thing. Whether or not I’m able to make a success of it is entirely on me.

    Wish me luck.