Category: portfolio

  • Jump Leads #1 “Training Day” script added to my portfolio

    Today I added the script for Jump Leads #1: Training Day to my portfolio. It’s not a great example of my work – the stage direction is overly descriptive, for one. This was always true of the script, even when I submitted it to the BBC back in 2006, however I wanted to put it up mostly for comparison as within the next few days I’ll be posting a revised, “clean” version of the script that I intend to use as part of a television pitch later in the year.

  • Four new portfolio entries

    I’ve added four short pieces to my portfolio, each between two and three pages long (I guess you’d call them skits or sketches). Feel free to check them out.

    Also, part three of Boomer’s Day Off has been live now for about a week, but I’ve not been in a position to properly promote it. Here it is:

  • New portfolio entry: “Typecast”

    Download the PDF here.

    I wrote the first draft of Typecast back in 2007 when I had planned to produce it using Lionhead Studios’ game, The Movies. I recently re-discovered the script and thought that the concept still held up well, so I spent some time revising and updating it. This is it.

    I’ll be adding more stuff to my portfolio in the next few days. This is probably the longest script you can expect to see on the site that doesn’t start with the words “Jump Leads” in the title.