My Full SD Who Con Schedule

I am once again a guest at SD Who Con, San Diego’s only Doctor Who convention, happening this weekend at the Handlery Hotel in San Diego. While I’m not MCing this year – that honor goes to San Diego based voice actor Marc Biagi – the con is nevertheless putting me to work at a lot of panels and events. In fact I may well be doing more things this year than I did in either of the years I served as MC!

Can’t make it to SD Who Con? Don’t worry, I’ll be back in LA in time for Look Who’s Talking, the Doctor Who aftershow at Geeky Teas!

My full schedule is as follows:


6pm – All Ages Pub Quiz
How does your knowledge of Doctor Who trivia stack up against other fans? Come and find out. Maybe your brain is so bursting with Doctor Who factoids you’ll win gloating privileges for the rest of the con!


11am – In Defense Of
Join us for a late morning gaming event requiring volunteers to defend their position on an audience suggested Doctor Who subject! Appropriate for all ages.

1pm – The IntelleXual Podcast – LIVE from SD Who Con
Hosts David and Whitney of San Diego podcast, The IntelleXual, will interview a selection of special guests as they record a LIVE podcast with audience participation!

2pm – How to Make a DW Fan Film With a Life Size Dalek
Remember Dalek Gary? For the first time since completing the series, join director and co-writer Michelle Osorio and me, as well as some of the cast and crew, as we talk about the process of making the film and shooting with a real, full-size Dalek!

3pm – Cosplay Contest
I’ll be judging the cosplay contest for reasons that continue to elude me.

7pm – In Defense Of – Adults Only Edition
Join us for an ”ADULTS ONLY” version of this hilarious game requiring volunteers to defend their position on an audience suggested Doctor Who subject. A winner will be chosen!

8pm – Saturday Night Dance Party “Doc Hop”
I’m returning as one of the entertainers for SD Who Con’s actual Saturday night dance. I’ll be doing ten minutes of standup. You lucky dogs.


10am – Tabletop RPGs for Beginners
You’ve been watching Critical Role, you’ve listened to every episode of The Adventure Zone, and you’re ready to jump into the world of tabletop RPGs yourself. Join Ben Paddon – GM for the  Doctor Who RPG show The Game of Rassilon – along with Lynne Marie Martens and ‘Saving Throw’ regular Mac Beauvais as they talk you through how to get started on your own RPG adventure, as well as answering your questions about everything tabletop!

11am – Cosplayer Theater Games
SD Who Con presents an hour of wacky improvisational games led by our invited cosplayers in character.

1pm – The Game of Rassilon: The Doctor Who Roleplaying Game LIVE!
For the third SD Who Con in a row, British comedian Ben Paddon brings a motley crew of incredibly funny people to play the Doctor Who Roleplaying Game: It’s Dungeons & Dragons, but a little more timey-wimey! What misadventure will the Doctor and his (or her!) companions find themselves in this time, and how will they get out? It all depends on the dice…


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