Jump Leads: Coming to an End

In July 2007, Jump Leads began its very first issue. In May 2012, it will be wrapping up its last.

This decision doesn’t come easily, or lightly, or any other words ending in ly, but it feels like the time has come.

We had a phenomenal first couple of years. We went from nearly no readers to tens of thousands. We published our first book. We attended three comic conventions worldwide including San Diego Comic-Con. However the last two or three years have been difficult, and it’s been tough to maintain that growth and momentum for a variety of reasons both personal and professional.

The Voyage Home was always going to be the end of an era for the comic; the end of the status quo and the beginning of a new arc. A new season, if you like. With the end of this comic specifically designed to serve as an act ending, it feels only right that we part ways here. We’ve made some changes to the script so that the story feels less like an abrupt ending and more like the true end of a chapter.

But what about now? Well, there are still a few pages left of The Voyage Home, and we’re going to try and deliver them to you at a rate of roughly one a week, if we’re able. I still want to record a couple of those Jump Leads audioplays, too. Beyond that I have no idea, but I hope you enjoy the rest of the ride with us.


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