The Net: Not just a movie starring Sandra Bullock

With the .com domain sort of imploding I’ve had to move the site over to a .net domain instead, which has involved a fresh install of WordPress and a bit of tricky jiggery-pokery to get the old posts moved over here, but they’re all there. Go on, scroll down a bit and have a look. I won’t mind.

Some of the old posts, like this look at Russell T Davies’ occasionally clunky writing, will have missing images. Not much I can do about that right now, but I’ll have a go at fixing it later in the week.

But anyway, I’ve taken this opportunity to reinvent the site a little. I’ve given my Resume a bit of a polish, and I’ve added a page about the SoulGeek Singles Nights that I co-host with Dino (they’re great fun, by the way – if you’re ever in the area, feel free to pop by). I’m sure I’ll think of more stuff to add, but for now this seems like a good start.

2012 is going to be a busy year for me. Between PortsCenter, the Jump Leads audioplays I’ve been putting off for far too long, and a handful of other projects, this is the year I try to break out of my rut and do my own thing. Whether or not I’m able to make a success of it is entirely on me.

Wish me luck.


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