I’ve taken a break from working on that script (as well as transcribing some notes for a friend) to work instead on a rewrite of the next issue of Jump Leads. It’s a page-one rewrite – s0mething I’ve never done before – and to make matters worse it’s a rewrite of one of Andrew’s scripts.
I’ve seen more of Andrew’s work than has been featured in the comic and, not to diminish Paul or Euan’s work in any way, Andrew is incredibly inventive. What’s more he has a very particular sort of wit that works wonderfully with the characters, possibly (probably) because he essentially is Llewellyn. I’m hesitant to rewrite anything he’s written, but Andrew’s time to devote to such an effort is limited, and with the end of the current story creeping ever-closer, it must be done.
Rewriting someone else’s work feels… odd. In many ways it feels like a violation, like I’ve torn open the ribcage of the work and set about hacking its organs up. In other ways it feels less like random hacking and more like surgery, with a goal of making Andrew’s story sturdier, more solid, but with that same core of humour.
And away I go.
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