I’ve been neglecting this blog in favour of its Tumblr cousin, and that simply will not do. I’d like to use this blog to catalogue my creative endeavours – that’s what it’s for, after all – so I’m going to make an effort to do exactly that, right now.
Firstly, I’ve been writing. Not just Jump Leads, but a couple of things. I’m working on an autobiographical book about growing up in a Pagan household. I wish I could say was my idea but it was actually my dad’s. He suggested I write a fictionalized account but I rather think that getting my actual thoughts, feelings and memories on the page will have more value – for me, at least. Once I vomit it all out I can work on reorganizing it and, if I think there’s a good narrative in there, maybe turning it into something less autobiographical.
I also wrote a short sketch last week which I’ve been meaning to film for about a week. I’m hoping to actually do that this week. It’s on my Weekly Goal List, along with encouraging myself to use my Ficly account more. My aim is to write three Ficlies this week.
There are also two Jump Leads scripts that need polishing – one by myself, the other by Andrew. I’m also writing a brief, ten-minute mini-pilot thing which, Glod-willing, someone important will be looking at later this year.
I’m planning on recording a scratch track for my friend Tealin’s attempt to animate the hanging scene from the start of Terry Pratchett’s “Going Postal” – I’ll be voicing Moist von Lipwig, easily one of my favourite recent additions to the Discworld mythos. I’ve always enjoyed voice work, and I think it’s only my crippling fear of rejection and a worry of “feeling silly” that’s stopping me from pursuing it further. Dino reckons I’d be good at it, so who knows? I guess I just need to get over that insecurity.
And I want to do more video stuff. And I want to do more acting. And I want to try writing a proper novel. And…
…oh Glod, so much stuff I’d like to do that I can’t push forward on because of my own petty worries. Blimey, is that who I am now? Is that the guy I’ve become? I need to sort that out.
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