An Interesting Problem To Have

Example of a "Deleted Panel" from Issue #3I’ve nearly finished putting together Jump Leads Vol.2: Looking For Hub In All The Wrong Places (keep in mind that title may change before the book is published in the new year), and I’ve come across a rather interesting problem to have – I have too much stuff to put in the book. Issues #3, #4 and #5 are going in without a problem, but JjAR has sent me a lot of additional material – about twice as much as was in the first book – and I’m wondering if I can fit it all in without upping the cost of the book.

One particularly interesting inclusion is what he calls “deleted panels”:

Sometimes I draw something that I dont really like in the end. In that case I just take another paper and draw everything (ok, not everything, just a bad part) one more time. Sometimes It’s just a not so good sketch, sometimes it’s a bad single panel, but sometimes it may be even a half of a page.

He sent me three deleted panels, and I’m struggling with whether to include them or not. If I doinclude them, how do I go about doing it? So I just include the unused panel? Do I include the entire page? If I include the entire page how do I position it on the… on the page? There are three of them, after all.

One possibility is to not include them in the book, but have the book include a link to a webpage where they can be viewed. Some books provide web-content exclusively available “via” the book. I know this because I have a couple of books with URLs in them that I can’t be bothered to visit. Is it worth it, I wonder?


One response to “An Interesting Problem To Have”

  1. Steve Riekeberg Avatar

    I know it’s so 90s, but any chance you could bundle a CD or something cheaply? That might be one way to get around it, and as much as physical media seems somewhat stone-aged to ubergeeks, pretty much every computer has an optical drive. Other than that, I agree, probably some sort of web option. Maybe include some extras and “deleted panels” in the physical book, at least to whet people’s appetite, but I wouldn’t fret over including all of the extra content, since most people are buying the book for, y’know, the actual comics themselves. *shrug*

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