Ficly Friday

My Ficlets are apparently archived, so I’m going to stop re-posting them here (not that I was posting them with any frequency anyway). In any case Kevin Lawver, the Father of Ficlets, recently launched a new website that is stunningly similar to the one AOL bought and subsequently shut down last year. It’s called Ficly, and I have an account there. Which is nice.

So I’m reinstating a tradition from my old blog – on Fridays I will post links to all of the Ficlets Ficlies I have written during the week, along with the opening line and a little bit about where that Ficly came from. So here we go:

First ContactJune 1st, 09
Mankind’s first contact with aliens was not a ceremonious affair.

I like the idea of taking what should be a grand, monumental occassion and trimming it down to something utterly unremarkable. This fit the bill nicely and seemed a good way to start my Ficly-writing.

The Vertigo VigilanteJune 1st, 09
Darren Hardly wanted to be a superhero. He fit the bill nicely – he was tall and muscular, with that perfect jawline you only see in comic books, the kind you could use to open tins with.

I also like the idea of someone who feels that they were made for one thing being utterly incapable of fulfilling their ambition.

On the Subject of the Morning AfterJune 4th, 09
“No,” said Seb. “There’s much more to life than just sleeping around.

I’m sure there are people who will take that opening line and say, “Oh.” But, no. Nothing to do with any of my personal business. In fact this brief Mark & Seb conversation stems from dialog I wrote for a sitcom pilot back in February.

Grammar-Man Vs. the Mayor!June 4th, 09
The Mayor stood by the window, looking out at the city below. “I’m sorry, Grammar-Man, but this don’t fly.”

This Ficly started with the idea of “Nobody’s perfect. Well, except for Captain Perfection.” Everything else just wrote itself around that.

Dark Chocolate – June 5th, 09
“There’s no two ways about it,” said his lawyer. “You’re gonna have to settle.”

This is, I am sure, hardly an original idea, but it popped into my head and I needed to get it down. Pretty disappointed with the lack of rating or comments on this one. I quite like it.

Meatlovers June 6th, 09
“Carla, I’ve got something I need to tell you. I’ve been having an affair.”

I sat down with the intention of writing something depressing, and this came out instead. What does that say about me?

So there’s that.


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