I’ll be leaving for the UK Web & Mini Comix Thing in London within the hour. I didn’t hae enough money to have tee-shirts printed up and now, thanks to a mail delivery snafu, I don’t have any books to sell either. Our artist can’t make it and one of our writers (Paul Varley, who wrote the current issue of Jump Leads) will be arriving in the early-afternoon. As if that wasn’t good enough, I’ve been told I’m on a panel at 11am, but I don’t know what the panel is for or who else will be on it.
But y’know what? Despite all of the bad news that has unfolded surrounding this year’s Thing, I’m still positive about it. It’s always great to spend time with one’s peers (I would’ve been at the New England Webcomics Weekend were I not flying out to England from LAX on the 23rd) and hopefully today will be no exception.
Jetlag woke me up this morning at just after 5am, so I’ve spent most of the morning sitting up surfing the Intertron on my laptop and eating the leftover prawn crackers from last night’s Chinese takeaway. Probably not the healthiest option but I followed the law of They Were Just Sitting There which isn’t, I think, that bad of an option. I’ll likely have something healthy on my way into London. I wonder if that Cornish Pasty place in St Pancras International will be open when we get there?
Right, I should probably go wake Andrew up or something.
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