Rating the Doctor Who Finales

Over four years ago, viewers in the UK (and people worldwide who naughtily downloaded stuff from the internet) were treated to the series one finale of Doctor Who. Had the show been unsuccessful that could’ve been the end of it, but no – Doctor Who‘s return to television was nothing short of a triumph. Four years later it is one of the most successful shows on British television, and we’re not far off from seeing David Tennant’s tenure as the Tenth Doctor (the new series’ second) come to an end.

With that in mind, I thought it might be fun to dissect in the finales in order, from my personal least-favourite to the finale I consider the best of the bunch so far. So here we go, then.

A word of warning: If you haven’t seen much of Doctor Who and want to avoid spoilers, I would advise you to give this article a miss.

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